Our Intent
At St James Lanehead C of E Primary School we believe that the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. Development in both areas is essential to raising standards of achievement for all pupils and equipping them with the skills and preparing them for real life experiences.
The PSHE curriculum at St James Lanehead C of E Primary School aims to:
- Prepare all our pupils for the challenges of adult life
- Enable our pupils to make informed healthy life choices
- Nurture the self-esteem and emotional development of all our young people
- Develop confidences and responsibilities, and make the most of their abilities.
- Prepare to play an active role as citizens.
- Develop a healthy, safe lifestyle with the ability to make appropriate risk assessments.
- Develop good relationships and respect the differences between people.
- Understand some basic principles of finances.
- Make a positive contribution to the life of the school
Progression of PSHE/HRE Skills within the curriculum
Devised in conjunction with pupils, parents, staff and governors with the children’s interests at the heart, the bespoke PSHE curriculum at our school runs on a rolling programme to ensure that all statutory learning is covered within the key stages. EYFS children will all complete the same learning across the R and R/1 classes to ensure they get the same start at our school.
Each year, the first day/week in a new class will cover ‘All About Me’, learning about themselves and their emotions.
The topics for each year following this are shown below.