PE & Sports Premium
Sports Premium Funding
In 2020/21 our school will receive £18,140 of Sports Premium Funding .
We have thought carefully about how we will use this funding to make the most impact on our children. We have taken the pandemic into consideration and have planned our spending around meeting the needs of our children physically and mentally. We are having a huge focus on the mental wellbeing of the children by using a holistic approach to learning.
The funding will be used in the following ways:
- We will continue to allow children to be as active as possible throughout the school day. Whole school approach to ensure each child is active for at least 30 minutes per day.
- We will ensure all children master the fundamental movement skills, especially in EYFS and KS1. This may include new equipment being bought and staff CPD to ensure children access high quality teaching. This will then positively impact our personal best approach to learning.
- We will broaden and increase the knowledge of current and new staff, accessing a variety of CPD in a variety of sports. Children will have access to high quality teaching and cross curricular opportunities.
- When Covid-19 restrictions allow us, will provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer with a focus on sports not on the current PE curriculum.
- We will continue to work with Burnley Partnership and when restrictions allow, we will focus on giving targeted groups of children access to Festival based events and entering B/C teams in competitions.
- We will ensure opportunities for high quality intervention are made across the school.
- When restrictions allow, we will provide opportunity for catch-up swimming programmes.
You can see more information about PE in our curriculum pages.