At St James’ Lanehead we utilise our Sports Premium Funding for Bikeability courses for our Reception, Year 4 and Year 6 children.
The Receptions take part in “Tots on Tyres”, a 6 week course where the children go on balance bikes in the school hall and learn all about balance.
Year 4 children take part in a 1 day course which builds on their current skills on regular bikes. Weather permitting, this takes place on the playground where the children can learn how to control their bikes by going in and out of courses. The instructors create stories to help spark the children’s imagination such as having a “stream” that the children have to cross with their feet lifted high up!
The Year 6 children’s Bikeability course lasts for 2 days. On the first day they continue on from their Year 4 course. Then if they are ready, they go out onto the streets behind St James’ to learn all about road safety.