Admission Arrangements
Admission Arrangements
If you would like your child to join our wonderful Church of England Primary School, please feel free to call the school office to enquire about a place for your child.
Also, have a look at the class pages section of our website for all the fabulous learning and events our children are so lucky to participate in.
Information regarding appeals and in year applications can be requested by contacting the school office and speaking to the School Business Manager
Joining School After Reception
St James’ Lanehead School’s admission number is 40 children in each year group (280).
In accordance with our Admission Policy (located below and in our Policy section).
Parents/carers who want a place for their child in any other classes (after the Reception classes September start date) will need to contact the School office to apply.
All admissions are allocated in line with our Admissions Policy (copy below).
Admissions Guidance for Parents
St James’ Parish Boundary
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, church attendance will be calculated only for the period when churches were open for worship. Therefore, the criteria remains the same for admissions and all church references (supplementary forms) will need to state that parents observed the pattern of attendance up to the closure of churches for public worship – and then again after they reopened for full and accessible public worship.
The governors will request confirmation of this from the relevant member of the clergy or church officer.
To find out about if your child falls within this boundary, please search your postcode on the A Church Near You website.
To find out if the church you attend is a part of the Churches Together in England, please search your church on their list of members.
Please see below for the parish boundary as depicted on the A Church Near You website, to view in more detail, please see the website by following the link on the right.

Appeal for a school place: