Pastoral Support

Martine Dallison and Ann Hodgson are proud to offer family and pastoral support at St James’ Lanehead C of E Primary School.

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At St James’ Lanehead C of E Primary School, we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils, their families and staff.

We understand everyone experiences life challenges and anyone may need additional support at some time.

Our aim is to allow all children in our school to reach their flourish by attending well, being ready to learn by knowing more and remembering more.

Support for children

St James’ Lanehead C of E Primary School offer different levels of support.

Universal support– To meet the needs of all of our pupils through our schools overall ethos, values and our wider curriculum.
Additional support– For vulnerable pupils whose needs can be met through an emotional support intervention.
Targeted support – For those who need more specific intervention such as nurture group, one to one emotional support or a referral to external agencies.

Support for parents

We are here to help with any worries or concerns you have about your child. This can be at school, at home or anything that impacts on your family life.

We understand that parenting is a difficult journey and that family life doesn’t always run smoothly but we are here to help you with the challenge.

We can offer practical advice and emotional support with issues such as:

  • Behaviour
  • Attendance
  • New to school / area
  • School holiday club / ideas
  • Transition
  • Assisting with learning and helping you help your child with their school work.
  • Coping with a family illness or medical issue
  • Attending meetings
  • Referral to other agencies
  • Or we can just be a listening ear.

If you need to speak to a member of the pastoral team, please contact the office and we will get back to you.

NHS Choices –

This is a useful website if you have any medical concerns regarding your child and you are unsure on what to do.

Useful Links

Supporting your Child's Mental Health

Self-Care Strategies

Family Lives (ParentLine Plus)


See, Hear, Respond - Barnardo's



About Us

St James' LaneheadCofE Primary School

St James’ Lanehead is a Church school with a big heart and a passion for its community. At St James’ Lanehead we all pride ourselves on acting with dignity and integrity.

Let's Connect

St James' Lanehead Primary SchoolBriercliffe Road, Burnley BB10 2NH

Jade BradleySchool Business Manager

01282 426833

Michelle Dugdale | Headteacher

Miss Janine Tracey | SenCo