Visit from Reverend Simon

This week Reverend Simon came to visit Elm Class to talk to us about why Jesus is special. In our RE lessons, we have been learning stories from The Bible and thinking about how they show us that Jesus is special. Reverend Simon spoke to us about Jesus' followers and how Jesus acted. We then thought of ways we could be like Jesus and be kind to others. We also sang one of our favourite worship songs with Reverend Simon, Our God is a Great Big God.





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St James' LaneheadCofE Primary School

St James’ Lanehead is a Church school with a big heart and a passion for its community. At St James’ Lanehead we all pride ourselves on acting with dignity and integrity.

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St James' Lanehead Primary SchoolBriercliffe Road, Burnley BB10 2NH

Jade BradleySchool Business Manager

01282 426833

Michelle Dugdale | Headteacher

Miss Janine Tracey | SenCo