St James' LaneheadCofE (VA) Primary School


A very warm welcome from our Headteacher

I would like to give you a warm welcome to St. James’ Lanehead Church of England Primary School.

St James’ Lanehead is a Church school with a big heart and a passion for its community. At St. James’ Lanehead we all pride ourselves on acting with dignity and integrity.

We know every child personally and value them all as individuals. We believe that every child is capable of great success and we work hard with them every day to achieve their personal best.

Our aim is that our children leave St. James’ Lanehead equipped with the skills they need to be successful in their life. We teach through our Christian Values and empower our children to be whatever they want to be and give them the self-confidence to know that they can achieve this.

We live out our mission statement:

Our Church school seeks to inspire each individual to flourish, grow and learn with Jesus at the heart of all we do.
We have a dedicated and highly skilled staff team who are committed to providing the very best for your children.

We all strive every day to be the best that we can be as we are ‘All special in God’s Eyes‘.

Mrs Michelle Dugdale


SIAMS 2019 – “The school’s Christian vision is firmly embedded and lived out by all members of the school community. This results in innovative and imaginative practice that enables pupils to flourish and transforms their lives.”



School Day

Start & Finish Times
8.45am – 3:30pm (32.5 hours per week)

Break Times
10:30am – 10.45am (KS1)

10:45am - 11:00am (KS2)

2.15pm – 2.30pm (KS1)

Lunch Time
12.00pm - 1.00pm



Our Mission

Our church school seeks to inspire
each individual to flourish, grow and learn
with Jesus at the heart of all we do.

Soil Association Food for Life Silver Catering
School Games Gold Award 2015-2016
School Games Gold Award 2016-2017
School Games Gold Award 2017-2018
School Games Gold Award 2018-2019
Arts Council England Artsmark Award
Step into Quality
Schools Working and Achieving Together
Youth Sport Trust Bronze Quality Mrk 2013-2014
Change for Life

About Us

St James' LaneheadCofE Primary School

St James’ Lanehead is a Church school with a big heart and a passion for its community. At St James’ Lanehead we all pride ourselves on acting with dignity and integrity.

Let's Connect

St James' Lanehead Primary SchoolBriercliffe Road, Burnley BB10 2NH

Jade Bradleyschool Business Manager

01282 426833

Michelle Dugdale | Headteacher

Miss Janine Tracey | SenCo

About Us

St James' LaneheadCofE Primary School

St James’ Lanehead is a Church school with a big heart and a passion for its community. At St James’ Lanehead we all pride ourselves on acting with dignity and integrity.

Let's Connect

St James' Lanehead Primary SchoolBriercliffe Road, Burnley BB10 2NH

Jade BradleySchool Business Manager

01282 426833

Michelle Dugdale | Headteacher

Miss Janine Tracey | SenCo